Sara Plummer
Director of Children's Ministry
Where are you from? Sapulpa, OK
What’s your favorite thing about your role at Christ Church? I love seeing the kids connect with the stories they hear and ask questions about God and Jesus’ life and teachings. They’re always honest.
Describe Christ Church in three words: Community. Welcoming. Lively.
What’s a movie or show everyone should see and why? Schitt’s Creek because it’s about an affluent family who has fallen from grace who find love, community and acceptance in the last place they would ever look. And it’s HILARIOUS!
What book did you love growing up and how did it impact you? “Interview the Vampire” by Anne Rice. I was in middle school and it was the first “grown up” book I read. I also read the entire book in a day. I already loved reading, but “Interview” just opened up a new world of characters and places and I proceeded to read everything Anne Rice had written.
What talent or skill do you wish you possessed? I wish I had an ounce of athletic ability.
Name something on your bucket list? Travel to Italy, New Zealand, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, English countryside, Ireland (again); Scotland (again) and London (again).